Category: Company Stories

GSP Company Profile: Fab-Line Machinery in Nashville, Tennessee

Written on June 5, 2017 in Illinois

Fab-Line Machinery in Nashville supplies metalworking equipment (e.g., press brakes and shears) to American manufacturers. With average machine costs of nearly $150,000, GSP eliminates about $7,500 per machine imported by Fab-Line from Turkey. When GSP expired in 2013, Fab-Line was forced to raise prices to compensate for those new import taxes. Ul...

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Nominees for the President’s “I” Award

Written on May 25, 2017 in California

On Monday, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross honored 32 U.S companies and organizations with the President’s “E” Award. Secretary Ross stated: “Job creation is a top priority for the Trump administration. As we kick off World Trade Week, it is a pleasure to honor these companies who increase our domestic exports and cre...

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