Posts by: Renew GSP Today

House, Senate Hearings on Trade, Part 2

Written on February 9, 2015 in Florida

Over the last few weeks, the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees held hearings on trade. The Coalition asked companies to send a few sentences that we could include in our submissions for the record. Several dozen responded, and you can read our final submission on “jobs and a healthy economy” here. We need...

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In The Hill: “Failure to Renew GSP is America’s Hidden Fiasco”

Written on January 29, 2015 in GSP

In The Hill today, Rick Helfenbein wrote an amazing article about the the “hidden fiasco” that is Congress’ continued inaction on GSP. As he writes about expiration: small operators were suddenly forced to pay an unexpected tax in the form of previously waived duties. Real profits were yanked right out of their bottom line, and...

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House, Senate Hearings on Trade

Written on January 27, 2015 in GSP

Today, both the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees are both holding hearings on trade. We’ll be tweeting out facts and figures about GSP expiration on Committee members all day and would greatly appreciate if you would retweet – particularly if they apply to your state/district. The Coalition also will be submitting offi...

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Renew GSP Today