The Senate is in its 3rd day of debate on amendments to the GSP/TAA bill. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) keeps saying that he hopes we’re “heading into the home stretch,” but it is unclear when final votes will take place. While the Senators continue to talk, more American companies continue to join our efforts. Since...
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Written on September 21, 2011 in
We received a call from a customs broker this morning alerting us to (false) information they had received about GSP being renewed effective October 1st. This is not true – the Senate continues to debate the GSP/TAA bill. Below is an image of the message forwarded by the customs broker – if you see similar...
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Written on September 19, 2011 in
The Senate passed the cloture motion this evening by a vote of 84-8. All eight “no” votes came from Republicans, including: Alabama: Senator Jeff Sessions (R); Senator Richard Shelby (R) Arizona: Senator Jon Kyl (R); Senator John McCain (R) Louisiana: Senator David Vitter (R) Oklahoma: Senator Tom Coburn (R) South Carolina: Senato...
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