How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

A Pro-Import Policy Agenda: Renew GSP Today

Written on May 10, 2013 in GSP

Throughout the week, we’ve written about how GSP supports American jobs, reduces costs for families (whether they know it or not), improves the competitiveness of American manufacturers, and promotes development. Sounds great, right? There’s just one problem: GSP is set to expire on July 31. Given all the positive impacts of GSP both at...

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GSP Promotes Global Development

Written on May 9, 2013 in GSP

So far, we have focused on how the GSP program benefits the United States, whether we’re talking about American jobs, families, or manufacturing. But we need to remember the primary purpose of GSP: to provide developing countries with a way to sell their goods to U.S. buyers.  So today we talk about the positive impact...

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GSP Helps American Manufacturers Compete

Written on May 8, 2013 in GSP

Yesterday, we showed some everyday household items (plates, picture frames….wine) that receive duty-free treatment under GSP and reduce costs for American families in the process.  Yet while families often save money from GSP unknowingly, manufacturers incorporate GSP into their sourcing strategy to reduce costs and increase competitive...

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