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GSP to Expire…Again

Written on July 31, 2013 in GSP

Despite the best efforts of staff to reach a last-minute compromise, Senator Coburn will not release his hold on the GSP renewal bill. As such, GSP will expire tonight and companies will start paying an estimated $2 million per day in new import taxes. Since Congress adjourns on Friday and doesn’t come back until after...

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Hagan Drops Hold, Coburn Only Remaining Objection to GSP Renewal

Written on July 29, 2013 in GSP

And then there was one. On Friday, we reported that two Senators had objected to the unanimous consent request for S. 1331. A little while ago, we learned that Senator Hagan is now supporting the UC request, meaning that Senator Coburn is the only one preventing Senate passage of legislation to renew GSP through September...

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