How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

Waiting on a $468 Million Tax Day Refund

Written on April 15, 2014 in California

[getty src=”172709561?et=GcWiOQ7veUCcIPCXAam_nQ&sig=4GqngzqV2fttUS29IMlV1bAT_d8n-2VMK47gpxuFRgs=” width=”450″ height=”354″] Tax day. For some that means refunds and others it means cutting a check to Uncle Sam. For GSP importers, it means another $1.8 million in higher import taxes (in addition to corporate t...

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GSP Expiration Cost American Companies $48 Million in February

Written on April 14, 2014 in California

According to new data released last week, American companies “claimed” GSP for about $1.45 billion worth of imported products in February. Typically, those products would not face import tariffs because of GSP, whereas those same products imported from a non-GSP country like China would face $48.2 million in import taxes. Since Congress...

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NEW REPORT: The Real Impacts of GSP Expiration – How Higher Taxes and Lower Sales Hurt American Jobs and Investments

Written on April 2, 2014 in GSP

What happens when Congress allows GSP to expire? According to a new report published today by the Coalition for GSP, the combination of higher taxes and the resulting lost sales force companies to take a number of harmful actions, including layoffs, hiring freezes, benefit cuts for workers, and delayed investments. The Real Impacts of GSP...

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