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GSP Expiration Cost American Companies $57 Million in March

Written on May 9, 2014 in Brazil

According to new data released this week, GSP expiration cost American importers another $56.9 million in higher import taxes in March on $1.6 billion in GSP-claimed imports. That brings the total tariffs paid because of expiration to $441 million from August 1 to March 31. Since GSP has been expired for an additional 6 weeks...

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GSP As A Tool For Economic Development

Written on May 8, 2014 in Imports Work

While American companies have come to rely on the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program to lower costs for key imports, the original intent was to promote economic growth in developing countries around the world. Instead of traditional means to stimulate growth, such as providing direct foreign aid, GSP created an incentive for U.S. compa...

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