How Much Does GSP Save Your State?

NEW SURVEY: One Year of GSP Expiration

Written on August 4, 2014 in GSP

Friday marked the one-year anniversary of GSP’s expiration, but Congress is out of DC until September 8th. Earlier this year, we published a report on the impacts of GSP expiration and we want to use the August recess to update that information. The updated survey (with minor modifications based on congressional staff questions) is below....

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GSP Expiration: One Year Later

Written on August 1, 2014 in GSP

Today marks the one year anniversary of GSP expiration. Once again, Congress is leaving DC for a 5-week recess, leaving importers stuck paying higher taxes without any indication of when they might find some relief. So what has changed? For starters: American companies have paid an estimated $670 million in unnecessary taxes. That number increases....

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