Category: USA

GSP saved American companies $72 million in July

Written on September 12, 2019 in Cambodia

GSP saved American companies $72 million in June, about $17 million less (-19%) from July 2018. It marked the second month in a row that year-over-year savings due to terminated GSP for India and Turkey. In the first seven months of 2019, GSP saved American companies $628 million. Lost GSP for India cost American companies...

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Terminating GSP for India cost American companies $25 million in June

Written on August 8, 2019 in India

Yesterday we wrote that GSP savings plummeted to $66 million in June. GSP savings fell by the most since the 2008-2009 financial crisis. But while external forces caused the last big drop, this one stemmed from the Administration’s choice to make American companies tariffs on previously duty-free imports from India (and Turkey). The price tag...

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