Category: USA

How GSP helps workers in countries like Cambodia

Written on November 30, 2021 in USA

If someone hears “labor intensive manufacturing in Cambodia,” the mental image is probably nothing what they’d see by visiting the Montana Fly Company (MFC) factory in Phnom Penh. Based in Columbia Falls, Montana and founded in 1998, MFC now has distributors in every fly fishing country. The nature of MFC’s products – ...

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75 House Members support framework for restored GSP for India

Written on November 22, 2021 in India

On November 19, 75 Members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai supporting U.S.-India negotiations, including a “framework for a deal that could be implemented soon after Congress reauthorizes the GSP program.” The letter was led by House Ways and Means Committee Members Suzan DelBene ...

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Over 300 American organizations urge Congress to renew GSP, consider changes beyond eligibility criteria

Written on September 21, 2021 in USA

On September 21, 308 American companies and associations sent a letter to Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committee Chairmen Ron Wyden and Richard Neal and Ranking Members Mike Crapo and Kevin Brady urging retroactive renewal of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). Companies are headquartered in 40 states and about 175 different Con...

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