Category: GSP

GSP Imports Help American Manufacturers Compete

Written on May 11, 2016 in Alaska

Discussions about trade often present a false dichotomy: if exports are good and then imports must be bad. This oversimplified view lends itself to policy prescriptions that encourage exporters and discourage importers, yet the real world is much more complicated. According to the Census Bureau’s 2013-2014 Profile of U.S. Importing and Export...

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Importance of GSP Imports for American Jobs

Written on May 9, 2016 in GSP

The 2016 presidential elections have focused a lot on trade – and not in a good way. The remaining candidates on both sides of the aisle seem to be jockeying for the mantle of “Most Protectionist.” In current environment, it is more important than ever to speak about the benefits of imports as part of...

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