Category: GSP

Coalition for GSP: Press Release on Senate Action

Written on September 23, 2011 in GSP

The Coalition for GSP put out a press release this morning applauding passage of the GSP/TAA bill last night by the Senate.  Click here to download a copy of the press release. Quotes from release: Laura Baughman, Executive Director of the Coalition for GSP: “A large and growing chorus of American companies and trade associations...

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Senate Passes GSP/TAA Bill

Written on September 22, 2011 in GSP

A little while ago, the Senate passed the GSP/TAA bill by a vote of 70-27.  From the reading of the roll, approximately 16 Republicans joined all the Democrats present to pass the bill. The final results should eventually be available here. The Senate votes tonight are a big step forward, but we are not in...

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