Category: GSP

Give Me One Good Reason to Renew GSP…

Written on October 4, 2011 in GSP

Yesterday, we noted that the stage is set for final House consideration of the GSP bill.  Timing for the final vote is unclear at the moment, but companies can use our Email Your Representatives page to urge support for this bill. In addition, we’re looking for 1-2 sentences from companies on why Congress should renew...

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White House Submits FTAs; Lays Groundwork for GSP Renewal

Written on October 3, 2011 in GSP

This afternoon, the White House formally submitted the pending FTAs with Korea, Colombia, and Panama.  This sets the stage for consideration of the GSP/TAA legislation passed by the Senate “in tandem” with the FTAs.  No formal date announced for House votes, but good news for GSP importers everywhere.

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House Returns to DC Next Week

Written on September 29, 2011 in GSP

Following passage by the Senate of the GSP/TAA bill last week, it now returns to the House for final passage.  There have not been any public announcements about when the House may take up the GSP/TAA bill, but we’re preparing for (hopefully) the final push to get GSP renewed.  As we noted after the first...

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Renew GSP Today