Category: GSP

More Companies Call on Congress to Renew GSP

Written on May 20, 2013 in Brazil

This morning, we added our newest company to the GSP Supporter List: Ferndale, Washington-based Kona Bicycle Company.  Located in 1st Congressional District, the 27-employee company imports from Cambodia under GSP. Kona isn’t the only new company calling on Congress to renew GSP before it expires on July 31. Other new additions include: ...

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A Pro-Import Policy Agenda: Renew GSP Today

Written on May 10, 2013 in GSP

Throughout the week, we’ve written about how GSP supports American jobs, reduces costs for families (whether they know it or not), improves the competitiveness of American manufacturers, and promotes development. Sounds great, right? There’s just one problem: GSP is set to expire on July 31. Given all the positive impacts of GSP both at...

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Renew GSP Today