Category: GSP

GSP Expiration Survey: Status Update

Written on August 20, 2014 in GSP

To date, we’ve had about 80 responses to our new expiration survey. That’s decent…but we need a whole lot more (especially since our last survey report had ~220 responses). So if you have not done so already, please take a minute to answer the survey. The deadline to respond is next Friday, August 29, but...

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GSP Expiration Impacts: GA Distributor Missing Opportunities to Expand

Written on August 13, 2014 in GSP

Summit Specialty International in Alpharetta, Georgia imports pine interior doors from Brazil that are used for new residential construction. A small company with annual sales of approximately $3 million, the cost of GSP expiration is about 3 percent of annual revenue and has had a tangible impact on the company’s bottom line. According to ow...

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