Category: GSP

$13 Million and Counting…

Written on May 21, 2015 in GSP

That’s the approximate taxes paid by American companies on GSP-eligible goods since the Senate voted 97-1 to renew GSP last week. With the House recessing for Memorial Day, that will increase to about $33 million by the time Congress returns to DC on June 1. With benefits delayed 30 days between between enactment and implementation...

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GSP Renewal Legislation Passes Senate

Written on May 14, 2015 in GSP

A little earlier this afternoon, the Senate voted 97-1 in favor of legislation (H.R. 1295, as amended with S. 1267) that would renew GSP through December 31, 2017 and refund most tariffs paid since GSP expired in July 2013. It would also extend certain preferences for imports from Africa and Haiti. A big THANK YOU...

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