Category: GSP

Congress Passes Final Legislation to Renew GSP!!!

Written on June 25, 2015 in GSP

The House just passed the GSP renewal legislation by a vote of 286-138! It will now go to the President for enactment following yesterday’s Senate vote. The Coalition for GSP released the following statement after House passage: “Final congressional passage of H.R. 1295 makes today a great day for American companies and workers that dep...

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Senate Passes GSP Legislation (Again); Now on to the House (Again)

Written on June 24, 2015 in GSP

A few minutes ago, the Senate invoked cloture on the trade preferences bill by a vote of 76-22. (The image shows 77-23, but two Senators must’ve switched to “not voting” at the last minute). Before voting, Senate leaders reached an agreement that if cloture was invoked, “all post cloture timed be considered expired.” W...

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