Written on April 19, 2015 in
Yesterday we highlighted some of the early responses to our latest latest survey. With lots of trade action expected in Congress during the upcoming week, we need as many survey response ASAP. So no one thinks we’re only interested in responses from companies willing to go on-the-record, here are several more incredibly detailed and helpful.....
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“We have delayed hiring 4 employees due to the expiration of the GSP. Also, our company was planning on investing in a warehouse expansion – about a $300,000 capital expenditure – that has now been cancelled.” The above quote came from a California-based importer of specialty foods from Indonesia. On top of $50,000 in tariff...
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Written on July 22, 2014 in
We frequently note that each day of GSP expiration costs American importers nearly $2 million in additional taxes. We also highlight the diverse GSP importers that are on the supporter list. But we don’t know how many other GSP importers might be paying those taxes on any given day. So we decided to conduct an...
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