Category: India

New 2016 State-by-State GSP Reports Released

Written on April 6, 2017 in Brazil

Along with the launch of the new site, the Coalition for GSP released updated reports for on why GSP matters for all 50 states (available here). For each state, the reports highlight: total GSP imports, tariffs savings, and average tariffs waived on account of GSP in 2016; companies importing GSP-eligible products; top GSP imports by...

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GSP Company Profile: WorldFinds

Written on March 8, 2017 in Company Stories

Today we’re launching a new series of GSP company profiles. They will highlight specific users of the program, the struggles they faced during the last GSP expiration, and the positive growth they have been able to achieve since Congress renewed the GSP program back in June 2015. (Profiles are based primarily on responses to our...

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