Category: Rhode Island

Costs of GSP Expiration by State: August-November 2013

Written on January 15, 2014 in California

As we noted last Friday, GSP expiration cost another $54 million in November. In total, expiration increased import taxes by more than $228 million from August to November, raising prices for companies in every state. Just how much varies greatly by state, as shown below. California companies paid an estimated $34 million in new import...

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Top States Impacted by the First Two Months of GSP Expiration

Written on November 19, 2013 in California

As noted yesterday, GSP expiration cost American companies more than $56 million in September alone, and more than $110 million through the first two months. Not surprisingly, big states pay the most, but companies in all states are stuck paying higher taxes on previously duty-free goods. Here are the top 10 states ranked by the...

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