Category: Company Stories

So Close to 450 GSP Supporters…

Written on January 17, 2014 in Maryland

Yesterday, we added four new organizations to the GSP supporter list: Haribo in Baltimore, MD Oceanic Linkways in North Brunswick, NJ SAM HPRP Chemicals in Eden Prairie, MN The National Fisheries Institute In total, the brings us to 446 organizations that want – and need – Congress to renew GSP. If we added four yesterday,...

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Costs of GSP Expiration by State: August-November 2013

Written on January 15, 2014 in California

As we noted last Friday, GSP expiration cost another $54 million in November. In total, expiration increased import taxes by more than $228 million from August to November, raising prices for companies in every state. Just how much varies greatly by state, as shown below. California companies paid an estimated $34 million in new import...

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