Congress has recessed until after Labor Day and Members will be spending the next month in their home states and districts. Here are some of the companies that have created more – and better – jobs since Congress last renewed GSP: WorldFinds in Westmont, Illinois: After paying $55,000 in extra taxes during expiration, GSP renewal...
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A few weeks back, we launched a new survey to see when companies would begin to start placing orders for 2018 delivery and how uncertainty was already impacting GSP users. (If you haven’t answered the survey yet, can you please take 60 seconds to do so here?) The responses to date clearly illustrate why Congress...
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Chicago-based Golden Country imports over 4,000 different food products from Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. GSP has allowed Golden Country to continue serving the tremendous growth in demand for international food products while keeping costs low. When GSP expired in 2013, Golden Country raised prices to reflect the new tariffs and saw sales drop...
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