Posts by: Renew GSP Today

An Unfortunate Milestone for American Companies: $1 Billion in Taxes Paid Because of Congress’ Failure to Renew GSP

Written on January 22, 2015 in GSP

Today marks an unfortunate milestone for American companies: $1 billion in taxes paid because of Congress’ failure to renew GSP. Obviously, these costs were not incurred overnight. It’s the cumulative effect of 540 days without GSP – with an average daily cost of $1.85 million in new taxes. Nearly 18 months of expiration, far surp...

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For GSP Importers, the State of the Union Could Be Stronger

Written on January 20, 2015 in GSP

President Barack Obama will begin his annual State of the Union address momentarily. It will touch on a number of issues, includes taxes, foreign policy, education, and yes, even trade. Some proposals will be viewed as partisan, and others will simply be controversial (regardless of party). Many will be DOA in Congress. Yet programs like...

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