Posts by: Dan Anthony

New GSP supporters: as diverse as the products they import

Written on January 29, 2018 in Cambodia

Since GSP expired on December 31, nearly 50 companies and associations have added their names to our GSP supporter list. Like those organizations already on the list, the new supporters show the incredible diversity of companies and industries benefiting from the GSP program. Or, conversely, harmed by GSP expiration. For example, the companies: Emp...

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How is GSP expiration impacting your company?

Written on January 22, 2018 in USA

GSP expired on December 31. While renewal has bipartisan support in Congress and backing from the Administration, it doesn’t guarantee swift renewal: that was true during GSP’s last year expiration too. Already, companies have paid an estimated $50-$60 million and will pay several million more every day until Congress renews GSP and the...

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