Posts by: Dan Anthony

GSP Supporter List Goes Live

Written on March 28, 2011 in GSP

The GSP Supporter List launched this morning with 109 companies and associations urging Congress to renew GSP immediately.  The HQ locations alone of the companies represent 30 states and 82 Congressional districts. The list is “sticky” and will always remain at the top of the page.  We’ll continue adding companies and a...

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GSP Supporter List

Written on March 28, 2011 in GSP

This post included an old version of the GSP Supporter List. For the current version, please click here to view or here to add your name.

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Desperation Seeps into Emails from GSP Users

Written on March 23, 2011 in Argentina

As March gets ready to turn to April and Congress seems no closer to renewing GSP than it was in December, there’s a real sense of despair among many companies that have relied on GSP in the past.  Instead of trying to sugarcoat this, we decided to post some more emails we’ve received from readers...

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Renew GSP Today