Posts by: Dan Anthony

CORRECTED: Steel Producers Pay Millions in New Tariffs in 2011

Written on April 21, 2011 in Albania

Contrary to popular belief, most products imported under GSP are not finished consumer goods – they are raw materials, components, and other industrial goods used by American manufacturers for domestic production. Ferroalloys, which are used to produce steel, have seen the biggest increase in “imports under GSP” in the beginning o...

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Need Products Not Made in the US? Too Bad…Pay the Tariffs

Written on April 20, 2011 in Georgia

We recently received this email from a small company in Georgia that designs, manufactures, and tests custom optical systems.  Its customers range from amateur astronomers right on up to NASA and other government agencies.  Here’s what the owner said about GSP expiration: We import zero expansion glass from Russia for use in telesco...

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The Tip of the Iceberg

Written on April 20, 2011 in GSP

As of this morning, the GSP Supporter List reached 174 organizations. Since launching at the end of March, we’ve added an average of about 3 new names per day (including weekends).  Beyond the statistics, it’s just as interesting to take look at how those companies and associations ended up on the list. The Coalition for...

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