Written on April 29, 2011 in
Through February (the latest data available), GSP expiration cost American companies $100 million. We’re nearly in May, meaning that the real cost of expiration to date is likely double that amount. Yet what people really want to know is how that affects companies, in particular small businesses. Since no one currently has an answ...
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Written on April 28, 2011 in
Most of the companies that add their name to the GSP Supporter List don’t provide much additional commentary. That’s too bad. Small business owners and employees, which seem to be the majority of the people contacting us, must deal with the consequences of GSP expiration in a way that Congress either does not – or...
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Written on April 27, 2011 in
Given the name/purpose of this site, we focus primarily on the direct impacts of GSP renewal. What we probably don’t focus on enough is how GSP duties pile on to a host of other challenges American companies currently face. Yesterday, we noted that Besa Lighting in Blacklick, Ohio (near Columbus) added its name to the...
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