Posts by: Dan Anthony

GSP Expiration Cost $58.3 Million in July

Written on September 8, 2011 in GSP

New trade data released today shows just why last night’s vote in the House was so important: GSP expiration cost American companies another $58.3 million in July. For the first seven months of the year, those companies have paid $394 million in new taxes.  Needless to say, that money could’ve been better spent hiring new...

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GSP Supporter List Hits 300 Companies and Associations

Written on September 8, 2011 in GSP

As we noted yesterday, House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) cited the number of GSP Supporter List companies in Texas while speaking in favor of the GSP bill.  After the vote, The Hill reported that: “[Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave] Camp’s office circulated a letter today indicating that...

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House Passes GSP Renewal Bill!

Written on September 7, 2011 in GSP

The House just passed H.R. 2832, which would renew GSP retroactively and extend it through July 2013.  Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) raised concerns about the inclusion of sleeping bags, but it passed by a voice vote.  The bill now goes to the Senate. Special thanks to everyone that used our “Email Your Representatives” page or....

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