According to new research from the Coalition for GSP, expiration of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program cost American companies at least $89 million in May 2021. Congressional authorization for GSP expired on December 31, 2020.
In the first five months of expiration, American companies paid at least $397 million in extra taxes as a result of GSP expiration. Companies in 32 states paid at least $1 million in tariffs from January-May 2021 due to GSP expiration. The map below shows estimated tariffs for products claiming GSP paid by state in that period.

May was the most expensive month of GSP expiration yet both nationally and for 19 states: Alabama, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Virginia. In three states – Colorado, Kansas, and New Mexico – tariffs paid in May were at least double any of the previous four months.
While many believe the United States has low tariffs, Colorado companies have paid extra tariffs averaging 11.7% due to GSP expiration. Companies in Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, Utah, and Wisconsin have all paid extra tariffs average 7-10%.
The data on tariffs paid is a conservative estimate, and the real figure likely is higher. Why? Estimates only capture products that continued to claim GSP despite expiration. Yet imports of many products that traditionally get GSP have not claimed it in 2021. Tariffs paid on those imports still would be eligible for refunds in the event of a retroactive renewal, but importers would need to file manual requests.
It is critical that Congress renew GSP – with refunds for tariffs paid – as soon as possible. Companies that want to help the Coalition for GSP educate policymakers on who is hurt by expiration (and how) should: