Search by tag: gsp

Year-to-Date GSP Savings By State through July 2016

Written on September 28, 2016 in California

In the first seven months of 2016, GSP saved American companies about $410 million in eliminated tariffs. New Hampshire joined the list of states for which GSP eliminated at least $1 million in tariffs on imports, bringing the total to 37 states (plus Puerto Rico), and Hawaii is knocking on the door with an estimated...

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It isn’t 1810

Written on September 14, 2016 in Brazil

“It is an extremely arbitrary and outdated tariff. Our politicians need to realize we operate in a global economy now; it isn’t 1810.” That comment was provided by Alex Livingston, President of Summit Specialty International in Alpharetta, Georgia, in response to our new GSP renewal impacts survey. The small business imports inter...

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