The Tip of the Iceberg

Written on April 20, 2011 in GSP

As of this morning, the GSP Supporter List reached 174 organizations. Since launching at the end of March, we’ve added an average of about 3 new names per day (including weekends).  Beyond the statistics, it’s just as interesting to take look at how those companies and associations ended up on the list. The Coalition for...

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Fair Trade Importer Laments GSP Expiration

Written on April 19, 2011 in Florida

Typically, we focus solely on the impacts of GSP expiration on American companies.  Yet the story below shows not only the problems caused at home, but also the negative repercussions felt in developing countries.  Even worse, the existence of options for exporting duty free to the United States has become a major consideration for Americ...

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If Not GSP Countries, Then Where?

Written on April 15, 2011 in GSP

On Wednesday, we showed that 73 percent of the top imports under GSP lost market share in the first two months of 2011 compared to one year earlier.  Across the board, general trends showed a shift away from GSP imports in favor of imports from other countries/under other programs.  Since company examples are always better...

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GSP Supporter List Tops 160

Written on April 14, 2011 in GSP

The GSP Supporter List is now up to 163 companies and associations.  These organizations are headquartered in 34 states, 109 congressional districts, and the District of Columbia. The pace of new companies signing on to the list has slowed, but we’re still adding at least one new name – and often more – almost every...

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Is Expiration (Already) Causing a Shift Away from GSP Imports?

Written on April 13, 2011 in GSP

Yesterday, we posted that GSP expiration cost American companies $100 million through the first two months of 2011.  If you continued reading beyond the headline, you probably remember us saying that “it’s too soon to make bold claims about the impact on sourcing decisions.”  We stand by that statement, but…. Toda...

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$100 Million – The Cost for 2 Months of GSP Expiration

Written on April 12, 2011 in Background

The U.S. Census Bureau released trade data today for February 2011, allowing us to update our GSP expiration costs.  Through the first two months of the year, American companies paid an estimated $100 million in tariffs on (previously) GSP-eligible products.  Perhaps that is why nearly 160 companies and associations have already added the...

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USTR Kirk, SoS Clinton Urge Congress to Renew GSP

Written on April 8, 2011 in GSP

U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently sent a joint letter to Congress urging the re-authorization of the GSP and other preference programs “at the earliest opportunity and for the longest period possible.” Many of the letter’s themes could be taken right off Renew GSP Today: -GSP import...

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