Examples for Writing Your Representatives

Written on June 8, 2011 in Background

We’ve received numerous copies of emails sent to Congressional staff over the last week through our House and Senate email pages.  Every company’s story is different, as is the way they tell it.  If you want to write your Senators/Reps but aren’t sure where to begin, here are some excerpts of emails we’ve received ...

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Sharing Means Caring….About GSP Renewal

Written on June 7, 2011 in Background

Site traffic is way up over the last two days, but not from the usual sources (e.g., google searches, links we’ve sent, etc.).  In fact, we haven’t been able to track them at all.  That likely means one thing:  you all are forwarding the links to colleagues in volumes that we have not seen to...

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How Much is a Sleeping Bag Worth?

Written on June 6, 2011 in GSP

Bloomberg News has an article today on GSP expiration called “Sleeping-Bag King Forces Duties on $22.6 Billion in U.S. Imports.”  Unfortunately, the link is for subscribers only, but it makes some interesting points. Here’s one fun fact: $22.6 billion worth of GSP imports in 2010 must now pay tariffs to prevent GSP benefits f...

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New “Email Your Representatives” Page

Written on June 3, 2011 in GSP

Yesterday, we launched a new page that allows you to email the staff contact that handles trade issues for the 435 congressional districts. Similar to the cleverly titled “Email Your Senators” page, this one is called “Email Your Representatives.”  If you’re not sure which district you’re in, there’s a...

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Updated GSP Supporter List by CD

Written on May 27, 2011 in GSP

With its most recent update, our Supporter List now includes companies operating in 41 states and 240 congressional districts.  You can download the list of GSP Supporters by district here.  You can add your company name by emailing here. If you don’t have time to look for yourself, we’ve pulled out the congressional districts...

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“We Could Hire Another Employee if GSP is Renewed”

Written on May 24, 2011 in Arizona

That’s from one of the newest responses to our GSP expiration poll.  More than 75 percent of this small, Arizona-based company’s revenues come from products imported under GSP, so it has experienced across-the-board cost increases since GSP expired. Often, the smallest businesses are hurt the most by expiration.  Take the comp...

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GSP Supporter List Continues to Grow

Written on May 23, 2011 in GSP

Nearly two months after posting our GSP Supporter List, companies continue contacting us and requesting to be added.  In fact, we added 9 new companies today, bringing our total to 220 organizations. The full list is available here. If you haven’t done so already, you can add your company by emailing here.  If you’re already.....

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Quick Hits from GSP Expiration Poll

Written on May 20, 2011 in Background

About 90 companies have responded to our GSP Expiration Poll.  If your company is impacted and you haven’t responded yet, please do so at the link above!  We’ll compile a formal report after we get some more responses, but a couple quick takeaways from the answers to date: Retroactive vs. Prospective Renewal – the overwh...

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