Posts by: Dan Anthony

Email from a Cambodian Producer

Written on August 22, 2011 in GSP

The other day, we received an email from a bicycle manufacturer in Cambodia that has been hurt by GSP expiration. Typically, we focus only on the impacts to American companies here, but this is a story that should be told. As background, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world with an average...

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Early Responses to August Recess Poll

Written on August 18, 2011 in Background

We want to thank the companies that have responded to our latest poll and provide some quick results.  Responses vary greatly for not only the financial impact of GSP expiration, but among the companies themselves. Poll Response Ranges Number of US Employees:  3 – 40,000 Expected GSP Shipments: 1 – 200 Expected GSP Tariffs Pai...

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