Posts by: Dan Anthony

GSP Has NOT Been Renewed Yet

Written on September 21, 2011 in GSP

We received a call from a customs broker this morning alerting us to (false) information they had received about GSP being renewed effective October 1st.  This is not true – the Senate continues to debate the GSP/TAA bill.  Below is an image of the message forwarded by the customs broker – if you see similar...

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8 Senators Oppose Cloture Vote for GSP

Written on September 19, 2011 in Alabama

The Senate passed the cloture motion this evening by a vote of 84-8.  All eight “no” votes came from Republicans, including: Alabama: Senator Jeff Sessions (R); Senator Richard Shelby (R) Arizona: Senator Jon Kyl (R); Senator John McCain (R) Louisiana: Senator David Vitter (R) Oklahoma: Senator Tom Coburn (R) South Carolina: Senato...

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Senate Debate on GSP Bill Begins (CSPAN2)

Written on September 19, 2011 in GSP

Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) focuses primarily on TAA, but also cites Coalition’s figure of $400 million in tariffs paid by US firms because of GSP expiration.  Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) now speaking; raising objections to sleeping bags.  You can watch the debate on CSPAN2.  

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