What is the GSP supporter list? The GSP supporter list is the most comprehensive list of American companies and associations that benefit from the GSP program. It is free to join by completing the form below.
Why should my organization join the GSP supporter list? Info provided when new companies join the supporter list is among the GSP Coalition’s most useful resources when trying to educate Members of Congress and other policymakers on the importance of GSP benefits for American companies and workers.
How is the information used? No company-specific info is ever published without explicit consent. There is a question on the form about how we can use the info provided. We do share company-specific information with congressional offices when talking about constituents benefiting from GSP.
Do I get anything for signing up? Supporter list companies receive periodic updates on GSP and issues that could affect their benefits, as well as calls-to-action with ways that companies can support GSP reauthorization (e.g., signing on to group letters, answering surveys, contacting Congress).
Does it cost money to be on the supporter list? No. The supporter list is free to join and there is never an obligation for supporter list companies to pay for any services.
What if I want more info or help with GSP issues? Those seeking more info or organization-specific GSP support should become dues-paying members of the Coalition. The form below will calculate your prospective dues based on employment and GSP savings. To join, please answer “yes, please invoice me” to the membership question.
What if I’ve already signed up? Companies that added their names before January 1, 2023 should complete the form again to ensure the information we share with congressional offices (e.g., location, employees, source countries) is up-to-date.
Complete the form now: