Category: Thailand

American Families Love The Taste of GSP Savings

Written on May 6, 2014 in California

Think products that are imported into the United States free of tariffs (taxes) under the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program don’t matter to you? Think again. Previously, we’ve shown some of the products found around the house that people (and their pets) use every day. But that’s just the beginning: here’s...

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GSP Expiration Cost Another $54 Million in November 2013

Written on January 10, 2014 in Brazil

Big trade news out of Washington yesterday: data released showed that $1.4 billion in GSP-eligible goods were imported in November. Unfortunately, since GSP was expired, American companies paid an extra $53.7 million in taxes. Most of the companies paying those taxes are small businesses that can least afford them. Nearly 80 percent of companies on...

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