Category: Washington

Who Wants Congress to Renew GSP?

Written on June 18, 2014 in Afghanistan

Today we added the 572nd organization to the GSP supporter list. The number 572 doesn’t have any special significance (although it is one of these), but we thought it was a good time to highlight those calling on Congress to renew GSP. You may notice that many of these sentences are well under 140 characters....

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GSP in 2013: Companies Should’ve Saved…Could’ve Hired?

Written on February 12, 2014 in GSP

According to new data released last week, American companies imported $18.5 billion worth of GSP-eligible products in 2013. GSP should have reduced taxes on those companies by nearly $700 million. Instead, companies had to pay about $280 million in higher taxes because Congress allowed GSP to expire on July 31. TRInternational, Inc. (TRI), a global...

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7 New Organizations Call on Congress to Renew GSP

Written on September 10, 2013 in Arizona

With Congress returning to DC and companies beginning to feel the sting of expiration, more and more American organizations are calling for immediate renewal of the GSP program.The map below shows the 20+ companies and associations – based in 16 states – have joined the supporter list since GSP expired, including the seven new additions...

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