Category: Michigan

2011 GSP Imports and Tariff Savings by State

Written on July 11, 2012 in California

If asked what state had the highest value of GSP imports in 2011, there’s a good chance you’d guess California – and you’d be right.  But what about these questions: -which state ranked 10th in both GSP imports and tariff savings? -which state’s imports would face the highest average tariffs without GSP? Those are...

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Updated GSP Supporter List by CD

Written on September 30, 2011 in California

With its most recent update, our Supporter List now includes companies operating in 48 states and 292 congressional districts.  You can download the list of GSP Supporters by district here.  You can add your company name by emailing here. New York’s 14th (Carolyn Maloney) is the top district with nine companies.  Californi...

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Impacts of GSP Expiration on the 50 States

Written on September 15, 2011 in Alaska

As the debate over GSP moves to the Senate, our focus has been on the state-level impacts of GSP expiration (as you may have noticed here and here). Below is our latest fact sheet showing how GSP expiration impacts different individual states. At some point there will be a “call to action,” but in the...

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