Search by tag: gsp-expiration

NEW SURVEY: GSP Renewal Impacts

Written on September 16, 2015 in GSP

After a nearly 2-year expiration, Congress retroactively renewed GSP in June. During the expiration, some of the most powerful arguments for GSP renewal came from two surveys highlighting company-specific impacts (reports here and here). To start building the case now for GSP extension beyond 2017, we must show the positive impacts of GSP renewal a...

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Snowball Effects of GSP Expiration

Written on March 5, 2015 in Company Stories

It’s a snowy day in Washington. The Federal Government is closed. The House and Senate both agreed to wrap up work early and flee DC before the snow hit (the House won’t return until March 16). So it seems appropriate to highlight the snowball effects of continued GSP expiration. The following comes from an email...

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GSP Expiration: “Playing Chicken” with Competitors or Profits

Written on September 12, 2013 in New York

While all responses to our August/September expiration survey are appreciated, we love the submissions that allow us to quote them directly. The following comment comes from Candace Abitbul at Sophia Foods in Brooklyn, New York. This family-owned (very) small business paid $3,700 in extra import taxes in August and expects to pay another $7,00...

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