Category: Thailand

GSP Promotes Global Development

Written on May 9, 2013 in GSP

So far, we have focused on how the GSP program benefits the United States, whether we’re talking about American jobs, families, or manufacturing. But we need to remember the primary purpose of GSP: to provide developing countries with a way to sell their goods to U.S. buyers.  So today we talk about the positive impact...

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GSP Savings Hit Home (Mine and Probably Yours)

Written on May 7, 2013 in GSP

GSP provides clear benefits to American families by eliminating taxes on a variety of food products and home goods.  In 2012, GSP eliminated nearly $280 million in import taxes on those products alone. But instead of talking about how GSP reduces prices for the American families in the abstract, we thought we’d show you some...

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Educating Congress About GSP Renewal, Part 1

Written on May 2, 2013 in GSP

Earlier today, we had two more meetings with staff for House Members that serve on the Ways and Means Committee: Reps. James Renacci (OH-16) and Pat Tiberi (OH-12). These were meetings #20 and #21 since the beginning of last week, and we have more coming up.  Some of you might wonder, what do you do...

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