Category: India

Fair Trade Importer Laments GSP Expiration

Written on April 19, 2011 in Florida

Typically, we focus solely on the impacts of GSP expiration on American companies.  Yet the story below shows not only the problems caused at home, but also the negative repercussions felt in developing countries.  Even worse, the existence of options for exporting duty free to the United States has become a major consideration for Americ...

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Desperation Seeps into Emails from GSP Users

Written on March 23, 2011 in Argentina

As March gets ready to turn to April and Congress seems no closer to renewing GSP than it was in December, there’s a real sense of despair among many companies that have relied on GSP in the past.  Instead of trying to sugarcoat this, we decided to post some more emails we’ve received from readers...

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Renew GSP Today