Category: Oregon

Small Businesses Are Hurt Most by GSP Expiration

Written on May 4, 2015 in Oregon

National Small Business Week kicked off today. According to the SBA, more than half of Americans either own or work for a small business. These companies are also some of the biggest users of the GSP program: more than 530 small businesses with 100 or fewer employees are on our GSP supporter list. That’s about...

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House, Senate Hearings on Trade, Part 2

Written on February 9, 2015 in Florida

Over the last few weeks, the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees held hearings on trade. The Coalition asked companies to send a few sentences that we could include in our submissions for the record. Several dozen responded, and you can read our final submission on “jobs and a healthy economy” here. We need...

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One Day of GSP Expiration – Who Paid the Price on July 17?

Written on July 22, 2014 in Brazil

We frequently note that each day of GSP expiration costs American importers nearly $2 million in additional taxes. We also highlight the diverse GSP importers that are on the supporter list. But we don’t know how many other GSP importers might be paying those taxes on any given day. So we decided to conduct an...

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